Science & Art Publications

Science & Art

Publications (Selection)

Dahm, R: Aus den Augen verloren. Medizin Populär, issue 7-8, 2007, p.28-31.

Dahm, R: Dying to see. Scientific American (special issue on the senses), October 2006, p. 12-19.

[Revised version of the feature article on the development and transparency of the eye lens published by Scientific American in 2004.]

Dahm, R: Dying to see. Scientific American, October 2004, p. 82-89. [Feature article on the development and transparency of the eye lens.]

Reply to a letter to the editor:

Scientific American, February 2005, p. 7.

Translations of this article in foreign language editions of Scientific American:

Dahm, R: Îmi doresc să Văd. Scientific American – Romanian Edition [ Romania ], No. 3 / 2005, p. 60-67.

Dahm, R: Peqainonasgia ghn thn Orash. Scientific American – Greek Edition [Greece], Febrouarios (February) 2005, p. 36-45.

Dahm, R: Klare Sicht durch die Augenlinse. Spektrum der Wissenschaft [Germany], Februar 2005, p. 24-30.

Reply to a letter to the editor:

Spektrum der Wissenschaft, April 2005, p. 6-7.

Dahm, R:Nikkei Science [Japan], January 2005, p. 60-68.

Dahm, R: Umírají, abych ommohli vidût. Scientific American – Czech Republic Edition [Czech Republic], leden (January) 2005, p. 52-59.

Дам, альф (Dahm, Ralf): Kлетkи, Несущие Свет (“Cells bringing the light”). В Мире Науки (In the Scientific World) [Russia], No. 1, январь 2005, p. 52-59.

Dahm, R: Il prezzo della trasparenza. Le Scienze [Italy], numero 436, Dicembre 2004, p. 58-65.

Dahm, R: Dying to See. Scientific American – Chinese Edition [China], No. 12, December 2004, p. 52-59.

Dahm, R: El cristalino. Investigación y Ciencia [Spain], Diciembre 2004, p. 66-73.
Scientific American Latinoamrica [Latin America], No. 29, Diciembre 2004, p. 66-73.

Dahm, R: Het Raadsel van het Oog. Scientific American / EOS magazine [The Netherlands / Belgium], No. 4, december 2004 – januari 2005, p. 42-49.

Dahm, R: Dying to See. Scientific American / Science Ollze [Korea], No. 11, November 2004, p. 46-59.

Dahm, R: Suicìdio Controlado. Scientific American Brasil [Brasil], Ano 3 – No. 30, Novembro de 2004, p. 62-69.

Dahm, R: Insights into the life and death of the lens. Scientific People / Scientific American [Taiwan], No. 11, November 2004, p. 94-100.

Dahm, R: Śmierć w oczach. Świat Nauki [Poland], No. 11, Listopad 2004, p. 32-39.

Dahm, R: Vieillissement et troubles de la vision. Pour La Science [France], No. 324, Octobre 2004, p. 68-74.

Dahm, R:. Science Monthly [Taiwan], November 2004, p. 880-889. [Feature article on the effect of ocular diseases on the works of painters.]

Dahm, R: L’étrange transparence du cristallin. La Recherche, Mars 2004, No. 373, p. 60-64.

Dahm, R: Trübe Nebel und blinde Flecken. Gehirn & Geist (Verlag Spektrum der Wissenschaft), Ausgabe 6/2003, S. 62-69.

Translation of this article:

Dahm, R: Niebla opaca y manchas ciegas. Mente y cerebro (Investigación y Ciencia) [Spain], No. 8/2004, S. 50-57.

Dahm, R: Augenlinse: Zwischen glasklar und grauem Star. Biologie in unserer Zeit (BiuZ), Verlag Wiley-VCH, Ausgabe 6, Vol. 33, November 2003, S. 366-374.

Dahm, R: Schilderen met gezichtsverlies. & Een blinde vlek op het doek.
Two articles in the Dutch national daily newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad / Zwei Artikel in der holländischen Tageszeitung Reformatorisch Dagblad, 24. February 2003, page 13 & 25. February 2003, page 15.

Dahm, R: Painting the World with Different Eyes. Max-Planck-Research (2002), Issue 3/2002, p. 34-41.

Dahm, R: Die Welt mit anderen Augen malen. Max-Planck-Forschung (2002), Ausgabe 2/2002, S. 34-41.

Dahm, R: Die Klarsicht-Zellen. bild der wissenschaft (November 1999), Issue 11, S. 62-66.

Dahm, R and Prescott, AR: Looking into the Lens: Using Microscopes to Study the Eye’s Lens. Microscopy and Analysis (March 1999), Issue 58, p. 15-17.

Dahm, R: A clear view. Current Biology (1998) Vol. 8, No. 11, p. R363.

Public Lectures (Selection)

Two lectures “Kannst Du Deinen Augen immer trauen? – Optische Täuschungen und verschleierte Blicke” [Can you always trust your eyes? – Optical illusions and clouded sight] at the Kinderuni Wien (Children’s University Vienna) 11th & 12th July 2007.

Lectures as part of the “University meets Public” initiative:
„Getrübte Fenster zur Welt – Wie Alter & Augenleiden unsere Sicht der Welt ändern und wie sich dies im Werk berühmter Maler zeigt“ [Clouded windows to the world – How age and eye diseases affect our vision and the work of famous artists], Vienna 5th March 2007.

„Painting the world with blunted sight: How eye diseases affected the works of famous artists“, University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Sibiu (European Capital of Culture 2007), Romania, 25th February 2007.

„Painting the world with blunted sight: How eye diseases affected the works of famous artists“, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto Arsizio – Varese, Italy, 15th November 2006.

„Getrübte Linsen & blinde Flecke – Wie Augenleiden das Werk von Künstlern beeinflussen“ (Clouded Lenses & Blind Spots – How Eye Diseases Affect the Works of Artists), Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (State Art Museum, Stuttgart), 20. Juli 2006.

„Unser Fenster zur Welt: Wie funktioniert das Sehen?“ (Our Window to the World: How Vision Works), Vortrag im Rahmen der Brain Awareness Week 2006, Wien, 13. März 2006.

„Die Welt mit anderen Augen malen (Painting the World with Different Eyes)“, Max-Planck-Haus am Hofgarten der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG), München, 17. November 2005

Flyer | Pressemitteilung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft – press release of the Max-Planck-Society

Podium discussion

Matinée-Gespräch mit Dr. Martin Hellmold (Kunsthalle Tübingen): „Können wir unseren Augen trauen? – Wie objektiv ist unsere visuelle Wahrnehmung?“, Kunsthalle Tübingen, 25. Juli 2004

Media coverage (Selection)

La Prealpina (Italy), 14th November 2006, p. 14 BU (On lecture „Painting the world with blunted sight: How eye diseases affected the works of famous artists“ at the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto Arsizio – Varese, Italy, 15th November 2006).

art – Das Kunstmagazin, Nr.10, Oktober 2006, p. 16; Interview on the effect of eye diseases on the works of the artists Charles Meryon, Clause Monet and Edgar Degas.

Welt am Sonntag (Berlin), 21st May 2006, Nr. 21, p. 71 (Wissen): The effect of eye diseases on the works of the painters Clause Monet, Edgar Degas and Paul Henry

TV-Bericht „Wie sich Augenkrankheiten auf das Werk von Malern auswirken“ auf RTF1 am Dienstag, den 7. September 2004.

Artikel in der Neuen Züricher Zeitung am Sonntag (NZZ am Sonntag) vom 15. Dezember 2002.

Bericht im P.M. Magazin, November 2002.